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Wholesale Plus Size Dresses
Look no further than our wholesale collection if you're seeking stylish and comfortable plus size dresses that enhance your curves. We offer an extensive selection of plus-size dresses, ranging from midi to maxi length, A-line to wrap style, and more. We design our dresses to fit and enhance various body types, ensuring that you feel both beautiful and confident.
Discover your distinctive fashion flair by browsing through our varied assortment of hues, motifs, and fashions. With different lengths and cuts available, you can customize your look for any occasion. Explore our wholesale collection today to discover the dress of your dreams. And the best part? We offer reasonably priced products made of superior quality materials that ensure you look and feel your best.
Item NO.: {{miniCartData.item_no}}
{{miniCartData.currency}}{{fomaNmer(miniCartData.sale_price)}} {{miniCartData.currency}}{{fomaNmer(miniCartData.original_price)}} ({{}}% OFF)
Weight About: {{miniCartData.weight}}kg
Material: {{[0].value_name}}
The China Warehouse ships to over 200 countries worldwide.
The U.S. Warehouse only delivers items within the United States.
Please note that freight rates and delivery timelines may vary depending on the warehouse.
ITEM NO | {{_abtem}} | PACK | QTY | AMT | ||||
{{_abtem.sku_codeno}} | {{_i}} |
Stock:{{_abtem.stock_nums}} |
{{_abtem.pack_goods_num * formRecord_assayItemValue[_index].sku_moq}} | ${{fomaNmer(_abtem.pack_goods_num * formRecord_assayItemValue[_index].sku_moq * _abtem.unitPrice)}} | ${{fomaNmer(formRecord_assayItemValue[_index].sku_moq * _abtem.unitPrice)}} | |||
Total | {{miniTotalPieMtod}} | {{packTotalNum}} | ${{pickTotalPrice}} |
Estimated Shipping Date: {{miniCartData.arrival_date}}
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